A New Way to Book Physiotherapy at the Surgery

You can now see a musculoskeletal physiotherapist practitioner for your joint, muscle or soft tissue pain as the first point of contact instead of the GP.

This gives you faster access to expert diagnosis, advice and exercises you need to start tackling the problem. The physiotherapist can also refer you on to hospital services and arrange tests where necessary.

Please book a telephone triage appointment in the first instance currently available on Wednesday & Friday mornings, by using the NHS app or ask in reception .

Important information for parents and carers of children

We have had information from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, that some children have sadly died of things unrelated to Covid-19, because parents have brought them to see a doctor later than they might usually have done.

COVID-19 is extremely unlikely to cause severe illness in a child– most children exhibit very few or no symptoms when infected. So if you have an unwell child, continue to seek healthcare support as you would do normally, and do not assume symptoms are Covid-related.

Please follow this link to view the full report.

Diabetes Education Focus Group

Have your say on Diabetes Structured Education- PPG invite

NHS Morecambe Bay Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is reviewing how it provides education programmes to patients with diabetes and is looking for the views of patients and communities.

This review will be used to make sure the CCG is providing the right kind of information support and education in the right place and at the right time for the population of Morecambe Bay.

By improving access for patients to education programmes they will be better able to take control of their lives, manage their condition and improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Have your say by attending a patient focus group on Tuesday 12 November at 12 noon. The focus group which will take place at Lunesdale surgery is open to all patients from Lunesdale Surgery along with patients from Bentham, and Sedbergh GP practices.

For further information please contact: [email protected]


Friends & Family Test Results

Please Click here to view our list of Friends and Family results.

Patient Questionnaire Results 2017 – 2018

Please click here to view our Bentham Medical Practice Results for Patient Questionnaire 2017 – 2018.

Weekend GP Appointments Are Now Available

Please contact the surgery for more information.

Is your community “dementia-friendly?

Is your community “dementia-friendly?

What is a “dementia-friendly” community”?

People with memory problems have told us that for them, a “dementia friendly community” is one which supports them to:

  • carry on doing the same things they have always done – like going to the shops, getting on a bus, playing golf, or just sitting in a park.
  • find their way around and feel safe
  • keep in touch with people and feel that they belong in their community.

What can help to make a community “dementia-friendly”?

Memory problems can make these things more difficult – but things can be made easier if we live in a community which is easy to find our way around and in which people are helpful and supportive. For example – people have told us that things that help include:

  • People who understand about memory problems – this can be people in shops, bus drivers, friends and family or anyone you come into contact with.
  • Clear signposting, so people know where they are going and where things are.
  • Clearly-written information on things like bus timetables or leaflets about services.
  • Being able to spend time with other people in a similar situation

Why are we doing this survey?

We want to find out what people with memory problems do in your area, what facilities they use, and what helps or hinders them. We want to find out more about what makes places easier to live in for people with memory problems. It would be a big help to us if you could let us know what you think by answering our short survey; there are only 10 questions.

Thank you for your time – Craven Dementia Friendly Communities

Please follow the link below to complete the survey

