Menopause Meetup

Details of the Western Dales Menopause meet up for Jan 2024

Struggling with sleep problems?

Expert advice and support for sleep problems from Sleepstation

Sleepstation is a clinically validated sleep improvement programme that’s free to access for NHS patients in this area. Their expert sleep team provide personalised guidance and one-to-one support. Most people see positive changes in their sleep within 3-4 weeks.

Sleepstation’s team of sleep coaches, doctors and sleep experts will help you understand what’s causing your sleep problems and give you all the support you need to get better.

Access the website for more info at

Patient’s can self reefer to the service at

Fix your sleep problems forever with Sleepstation

Saturday and week-day evening appointments

Saturday and weekday evening appointments available

Beware of scammers!

During the Covid-19 pandemic make sure you are on your guard against scams. Scammers are taking advantage of the current coronavirus situation, whether it is to extort money, or to gain access to your home. If in doubt, apply the scam test:

S- seems to good to be true

C- contacted out of the blue

A- asked for personal detail

M- money is requested

Your Covid vaccination invitation could come to you via a text on your mobile phone, however police have warned that fraudsters are sending out fake texts offering a Covid vaccine in an attempt to steal personal and financial information. See the image below for an example of the fake message.

The legitimate message to invite you will read: ‘Dear ____, you have been invited to book you Covid vaccination, to book an appointment, please follow the link’. On clicking the link, you will be directed to the booking page where you can select a time slot. You will not be asked to enter personal details.

If you are still unsure, contact us at the surgery to confirm whether a text invite has been sent out.

Digitalisation of Medical Records

Digitalisation of medical records

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower scheme

The scheme was launched in 2007, originally at Gatwick Airport to identify anyone with a hidden diability that may mean they require extra assistance.

The sunflower has now become a well-known symbol for anyone that has a hidden disability to ‘discreetly indicate to people around the wearer including staff, colleagues and health professionals that they need additional support, help or a little more time’ (HiddenDisabilitiesSunflowerUK).

Many hidden disabilities come under the Government’s list for those exempt to wearing a face covering. Please take note if you see anyone with a sunflower lanyard, badge or card. It may mean they are assisting another and are therefore exempt also.

Please visit the Hidden Disabilities website for further information:

Hidden disabilities sunflower